Project Management

Blue Koala uses an agile development method known as Scrum. Using this method we can assure fast delivery, quality and stay within budget. Agile means the end result cannot be specified beforehand, but will be decided as you go. Plans can always change, but that’s part of the process. Scrum divides the process in small bursts of work (sprints) after which every time a completed product is available, and finalized to satisfaction.

Agile development


The client writes stories together with Blue Koala. A story is what drives the development, and has a clear and concise, measurable goal.


The daily standup is a meeting of about 15 minutes in which the daily tasks and goals are discussed.


A sprint is a short burst of work, days or a week, after which a (part of a) story is completed to satisfaction (end of sprint celebration).

Learn more about Scrum

Blue Koala is a certified Scrum company (by . If you wish to learn more about scrum please watch the video below.